Tuesday, 27 September 2011


 Sorry for the late post, but the main wireless connection in Dubai was done, and all the other ones required a passport, so I am writing about this in my Bangkok hotel room. The flight to Dubai wasn't to bad, Just a 8 hour flight in a tiny chair, looking at a tiny screen, luckily there was no one sitting next to me so I was able to use both seats for extra space. Since It was night time there wasnt much to see, so not many photos were taken
 View of Dubai as we were coming in to Land
watching some x-men first class, other movies were super 8, thor, Rio, and some other new ones

After we landed I first had to find out where on earth my next departure gate was, which turned out to be about 50M away from my current position, which I only found out after about half an hour of walking around. The Dubai airport is massive, and has mini shops in it that trump Pavilion. Unfortunately I did not take many photos as I was super tired from the flight and needed to sleep, they actually have these bed chairs but they were all full so had to resort to a couch. After 4 hours of absolutely no sleep, i had to head to the departure gate for my next flight.

                                                        Parts of Dubai aiport
                                      This is where i slept, or at least tried to, on one of those green couches you see
                                             Dubai airport as we landed (sorry about the quality)

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