Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Koh Samui - Day 1

So, it has been a while since I have posted anything, but I will be posting a lot from now on, since i have many photos to go through and add. Anyways, our first day on the tropical island of Koh Samui was pretty awesome. It is everything that you would expect from a island, palm trees EVERYWHERE you go, amazing beaches, etc. The Hotel that we stayed at was called Save House, and it was a pretty amazing place, as you can see from the photos below

 Our room is on the left
 down the road from out apartment
 up the road from our apartment, right in the middle you can see the restaurant and reception area.

 The pool which we spent almost everyday in

So, we started going to the classes on day 1, which was quite hectic since we were all pretty much still trying to wake up, and others hadn't even arrived yet, but we went along with it and found the school pretty easily. here are some random pictures of the street from the school

Taking a walk back from the school

So, day 1 was pretty successful, there are other photos but not ones that I took from my camera so i have no idea where they are, if i find them i will post them

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